Andeor SAS Case Study

Andeor SAS Case Study

Andeor SAS is a France based company that edits the CaniVIZ 3D viewer, enabling easy 3D CAD exchanges. The company mission is to democratise the use of 3D by allowing everybody access to 3D contents everywhere, in all devices. Working on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux, the business sells solutions worldwide via an online sales platform and application stores.

Andeor SAS Case Study
Andeor needed to find a way to protect intellectual property on the online workshop implementation, and see an increase in the speed of their website. Their code needs deep adaptations without significant performance gain, so they didn’t want to use a PHP compiler. SourceGuardian was the best choice for Andeor as the binary PHP extension to install on the website was immediately recognised, and the PHP pages were immediately encoded, uploaded and working.
The main objective was to hide the PHP source code in the web server with minimum performance cost. For this SourceGuardian works perfectly, as it efficiently protects PHP sources and manages a cache of PHP files. In addition, any changes in the source codes are very quickly and simply reflected onto the Web server allowing reactive updates.

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