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PHP Encoder Features

SourceGuardian 15 is the most advanced PHP Encoder on the market, complete with a ground-up rewrite, a powerful GUI and protection covering the latest version of PHP.  You can encode your scripts using Windows, macOS and Linux, all with a powerful GUI or using a command line interface.

We would suggest that you try out the free PHP Encoder demo, which provides you with a 14-day free trial and please ensure that you look at the videos in our support area.

The following are some of the key features of SourceGuardian.

Powerful protection

SourceGuardian PHP Encoder protects your PHP scripts by compiling the PHP source code into a bytecode format, followed by encryption layers.

New GUI Interface and command-line encoder

We created a new GUI for SourceGuardian, including Windows, Linux  and macOS.  This new GUI, combined with the powerful command-line encoder, makes it even easier to encrypt your PHP scripts.

Supported PHP Versions

SourceGuardian 15 for PHP works with the following versions of PHP: PHP 4.x,5.x,7.x and PHP8+, PHP8.4 is fully supported. We always lead the way amongst PHP Encoders for supporting the latest version of PHP

PHP Protection methods

To protect your scripts from unauthorized usage SourceGuardian for PHP has added features that can optionally lock your scripts to run only from predefined IP addresses, domain names or LAN hardware addresses (MAC).

SourceGuardian for PHP can also easily produce trial versions of your scripts by setting an expiry date for your PHP scripts or by limiting the number of days that your protected script will work. To protect against local date changes for trial versions of your protected scripts there is an option for time checking using atomic online time servers.

For larger projects SourceGuardian for PHP provides an option to protect an entire project so that all scripts used in the project will work only with other protected scripts. This way scripts may include a protected script from an unprotected script and this adds another level of protection.
Here is a sample list of protection features

Encoding of HTML templates and other non-PHP files

We have added an option for encoding HTML templates, or other non-PHP files, using the SourceGuardian encoder. HTML templates or other non-PHP files may be encoded by the encoder, then read and decrypted from the protected scripts code. Template files which are encoded as part of the project may be used only from the protected scripts which were encoded as a part of the same project. It's impossible to use protected templates from unencoded scripts or from scripts encoded with a different SourceGuardian project.

Built-in support

To make it easier for our customers, and potential customers, we have added in built-in support to your application.  Now there is no worry of emails from us being spam-trapped – all of our communication can be seen within the application itself.  We also provide support via email and our helpdesk, but this way you can see when your support has been answered directly within SourceGuardian

Cross platform encoding

A script encoded under one operating system will run under any other supported operating systems. Currently we have the encoder for Windows, Linux and Macintosh. Protected scripts will work on Windows, Linux, OSX, FreeBSD.

Script Loaders are available for these operating systems. Please find a list of all supported operating systems on our web site. In the near future we will support more operating systems and we can create a bespoke loader for your OS.  Please contact us.

14 day Evaluation

Please download SourceGuardian with our free PHP Encoder trial.  Our documentation and PHP help videos are available on our support page


Support Area

If you have any questions, please fill out our support form. Also, keep an eye out for our new instructional videos which are coming soon.
View Support Area


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"SourceGuardian is essential to my business. It enables my product to be flexible, and yet keep the intellectually important stuff safe. This is important for my school virtual learning environment product as schools are all different, wanting different things from their VLE. Our product gives them a framework of functionality (the SourceGuardian encrypted stuff), but allows them to customise the rest."
Alastair Barker - SWIGit Ltd.
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